月归档:七月 2015

The use methods of fiber cleaver

The use of the most common method of fiber cleaver are basically the same: 1, stripping cable and the cable fixed to the pan fiber frame. Common optical cable are gysts, skeleton and central tube cable, different fiber optic cable to take … 继续阅读

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The summary of OTDR

OTDR, full name: optical time domain reflectometer, is based on the analysis of the measured curve, It’s a machine according to understand the performance about uniformity, defect, fault, joint coupling etc. The performance of several instruments. It according to optical … 继续阅读

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The Maintenance Of Fusion Splicer

The vulnerability consumables of fusion splicer is the discharge electrode. The basic discharge 4000 times around the need to replace the new electrode. Change electrode method: First, take down the protective cover of the electrode chamber, loosen the screw on the electrode, … 继续阅读

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